Happy Coincidence...Or Something More?
Since working with my prosperity training, I've noticed what I call, "happy coincidences" coming my way on a regular basis. Prior to my studying the power of gratitude and learning to have a prosperity consciousness, I would have never even noticed these occurrences, though they may very well have been happening all around me. Sometimes the Universe can be knocking on your door and with a closed mind, you don't hear a sound...
A couple of examples happened to me recently that made me take notice. For example, on my way to work a few weeks ago, I noticed a yard sale sign in a nice subdivision, and I felt compelled to stop by, as if I would find something there that I wanted or needed. I pulled into the subdivision, and lo and behold, this yard sale was directly across from the EXACT house I had been picturing in my visualization as my "dream home." Talk about butterflies in the stomach when I saw it! I just sat there staring and wondering if this was meant to happen... Now I had a REAL visual to use to increase my visualizing power!
The second occurrence happened when I took my daughter to Six Flags theme park. We were going through the parking lot and I pulled into a parking space and looked to my left and right, and amazingly enough, I was parked directly in between my two dream vehicles. (Ok, if you must know, they were a BMW 325i and BMW X3) Once again, with an open mind, it seems more like a sign that I'm on my way, as opposed to the thought, "wow, nice cars." It's all a matter of perspective...
With the realization that thoughts truly DO rule our world and we have the power to change our lives through our thoughts, I have learned to be grateful for my "happy coincidences" and I choose what they mean to me. Some people would call my thoughts "out there" but they are also the people who complain about their lives and don't care to do anything to change them. I'm truly grateful for the opportunity to create my life the way I intend it to be.
Once we open our eyes to the amazing world around us and become truly grateful for what we already have, incredible things start to take place... It's up to us to have the eyes to see them, the ears to hear them and the heart to truly feel them.
Happy coincidence? I choose to think not...